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People speak of Time standing still.

But there are moments when Time is undecided,

held in check by those who pass through it.

The reading of the letter has begun

but not ended,

and no-one yet knows how it will end

except, perhaps, the writer.


At this moment it has every ending.

At this moment it brings both joy and sorrow,

laughter and tears.

It is good news; it is bad news.

It is all her heart desires and all her being dreads.

Only her decision to enter the next moment,

and the next,

will make it clear.

It will take courage.

It took courage to open the envelope

while it lay, a packet of uncommitted Time

while other Time marched on around it;

the envelope which lay both malevolent and kind.


And now she pauses,

before that headlong rush

which will change everything or change nothing.


She stands and, for a moment, senses her power.



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