Seeing’s Believing.
Visual Art often gives the impression that it is about what things look like.
This is far from the truth.
And this is just one of the problems we stumble on when Artist's try to depict God.
But visual images are very persuasive. If we see it, we imagine that it must be real. This has lately become an issue with so-called 'deep fake' and AI generated images (anyone who has seen the picture of the Pope on a bike will find it hard to un-see...)
When we see images of God do they help us? Or do they hinder?
This 45 minute workshop offers a relaxed discussion on Illusion and Reality in Visual Art, leading to a presentation on what happens when Artists try to depict God.
Participants will gain a better understanding of
the way Visual Art works, as well an appreciation of the limitations and possibilities in depicting God
This workshop is amenable to BSL signers. Please book a Signer from the onsite team.