The Triumph of Music
Marc Chagall
This delightful painting is a preparatory sketch for a huge mural created in the Metropolitan Opera, New York.
Marc Chagall was born to a Jewish family in Russia and later moved to France. In his early years, he was immersed in the folk and religious music of the Jewish community, and music often features in his work - especially violins!
Whenever I find myself in front of Chagall's paintings (or stained glass, or murals) I imagine I can feel his sheer exuberance for life. The vividness of his colours and the swirls of movement he achieves seem to burst out of the frame. There is a great sense of joy in the people (and often animals) he includes.
Not everything in Chagall's life was rosy, but through his art he demonstrates that joy is always there. An artist for rainy days, and sunny days too.