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Deeper into art

I passed my History of Art AO Level at the end of that extra year, but not much else.

Any kind of Higher Education waited 22 years until I signed up for a Humanities Degree course with the Open University - to which I will always feel indebted.

I majored in Art History and did an Honours year, reading a subject new to me - the Philosophy of Art. In other Universities, it might have been called Aesthetics.

Aesthetics explores questions such as

what is art?

what is art for?

what is beauty?

          (... and who says so?)

We also touched on the Psychology of Art:

how do we see? what do we see?

why do we see as?

how do we react to colour?


These enquiries are really, really not for everyone.

And in terms of world priorities, there are more pressing questions we need to address first.

But if you feel a glimmer of interest, why not explore some of these questions?

Do some research.

A few of the pages on Loving Art address some of these issues:

But is it art?                  Simply seeing

Meaning in art part 2      and part 3

Vive la difference           the Artist in the Art

               ... and I expect there'll be more.


Is it a rabbit?

Or a duck?

And why?

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